Thursday, November 26, 2009

Since everyone in the US now believes Thanksgiving is merely a big feast in preparation for Black Friday, much like Mardi Gras before Lent, we've decided we better share our Christmas wish list with you, just in case you want to rush out at 3 am and buy us girls something special. Below you'll find what's on the top of Rose's list. Sadly, there were no Glen Campbell sweaters at where we found this lovely Elvis holiday wear.

In Maine we don't spend 50 bucks on an ugly sweater just to wear to a party celebrating the ugly sweater, its just a way of life and we find em at Walmart, Mardens, or sometimes we get them from Uncle Goodwill.

I do like the bell. Something to think about next year for the Sons of Seamen Ladies Auxiliary Flamingo Drill Team Holiday Extravaganza.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Calling up to Best Bob's

I don't know what compelled Hooch to call up to Best Bob's about that dang TV he bought. Hooch is my neighbor and as I hear him tell it... he was having a hard time with his new TV. He hooked it up to the antenna and he wasn't getting a picture. Now, when he had his old TV he had all the channels. Now, he didn't have any.

Hooch told me the lady up to Best Bob's was very nice and said she was sorry for his trouble but that the antenna may not be strong enough. She said if he had a minute she could walk him through the channel set up. He said he did... and so they were gonna get started.

The lady from Best Bob's said "make sure your antenna is plugged into the TV, make sure the TV is plugged into the wall, and pick up your remote. Now turn on the TV."

Hooch stopped his story looked at me and said "I knew I had forgotten something..."

:) Love you all...


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bits of Bernard (little known facts or maybe fiction)

Did you know we podcast from the former fish canning factory overlooking Cockamagoggin Harbor? Wellsa, when we first started we were up there in the offices of the mucky mucks up on the top floor, cause the rest of the building was gutted for low income senior apartments, but they couldn't get the smell of fish out, so that idea went bankrupt and all there is left is these old offices and a big empty building underneath. And seagulls. For some reason they don't seem to know the fish are gone. I guess birds are just dumb. So every time we took to recording, course we had to keep the windows open (cause of the fish smell), all you could hear was birds squalking to beat the band. So we hired little Jimmy and sent him up to Kitty's for a couple of great big bags of popcorn and he run over round the cove there and starting flinging popcorn into the wind. And pretty soon them birds followed him over and they pestered him until his corn was gone and we had a pod all casted. Now little Jimmy is a very important part of every episode of Rose and Trout, and he even has a title: Best Boy. Love, Lurlene oxoxoxo

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wellsa, if that don't beat all! When we went to mornin services ovah to church we couldn't help but notice this. Seems some scalphoogins have vandalized the seamen statue.
And if that aint a pretty decent likeness of Hatch Gross I'll eat that gimme hat. Thank heavens the summer complaint has mostly left.
When I snapped this picture there was a couple from Massachusetts that looked a mite confused, but I just smiled and acted like it always looks like this. They probably thought I was senile.
No one's dared to mention it to Hatch yet, but we kinda like it. Saves taking up that collection and it give the statue a modern look. You know, I 'spect somehow Rose and I will be to blame for this. Have a lovely sunday, you folks. Git out and enjoy this pretty weather. Love, Lurlene oxoxo

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ain't it true. You never do know what you will find at the corner of Route 1A and the Flamingo Hill Road. Not too far down the pike you'll see a very large sea creature on top of a building. Bless your heart if you been drinkin', cause it is some big, as you can tell. Wiggy paid big bucks for this 'art' and he's awful proud of it. We ain't quite sure what it is... but Wiggy says it's a crab and so a crab it will be until we find out otherwise. Rose thinks it may be from the Crustozoic Era. I think it maybe escaped from the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and come to rest on the rooftop there at Wiggy's and he didn't have the cash to have it exgerminated. In any case, we had to share this with you. Stuff like this, you just can't make it up. Love, Lurlene. oxoxo

Friday, September 4, 2009

John Prine should be from Bernard. I wish he was. This is the sweetest love song I have ever heard. Ol' George and I frequently spite the noses right off'n our faces!
Love, Lurlene oxoxoxo

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Proper Attire

My Great Uncle Junior was a scruffy old curmudgeon. A classic mean ol' bahstid and he said just what he thought, although sometimes it was what you call a mite backhanded. He swore like a pirate and he smelled like wet wool, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and George Washington Chewing Tobacco. He was a master whittler, friend to all children, and the bane of anyone with even the slightest inclination toward self importance. He was a native.

Mainer standard issue uniform: Green dickies, gum rubbers, three days of stubble and a gimme hat.

Needless to say, he was not much for society and avoided all enterprises that required clean clothes and language. Of course, that included church. Now, that is not to say that Junior didn't read God's word or know scripture. His mother, my great-great grandmother was a Methodist and put the fear of God straight into him, I'm sure. He had a well thumbed bible and it was well loved, too.
His wife, Lorena, who everyone called Bubbles, was a saint. Junior married late in life and was happy all his days with his choice, though it puzzled us greatly.

Aunt Bubbles, his one and only sweetheart was probably the most inappropriately named woman I ever knew. She was thin and pale,quietly morose and very pious. She did love going to church and went up to her home town Catholic church every Sunday, about 45 miles away.

They were married for 35 years and when she passed away at 79, Junior decided that he needed to start going to church. It just seemed like the right thing to do. But Junior didn't drive and was born and bred a Methodist, so the Catholic church was out, so off he went, one Sunday morning to the new church up over on the Snigtop road with all the pretty windows and the beautiful white paint, the closest one to walk to.

We all didn't know much about those new church folks, us being mostly heathens, but that was Junior's choice and we didn't interfere. Whatever gave him some comfort was good with us, he'd been pretty lonesome without Bubbles.

So in he went, after walking the two miles to the church (in the rain) and he sat up back in his dickies and his gum rubbers and a yellow slicker, dripping on the pretty new gold carpet. When he got home he didn't say much about the sermon or how it went, but he did say he'd introduced himself to a few folks and was going back. Which he did. Several times.

And then he stopped going.

Eventually curiousity got the best of me and I ventured a question one afternoon while we were having tea and a few boughten cookies.

I asked, "Why did you stop going to that new church?"

Wellsa, he looked at me and he said, "Lovey, I aint quite sure. I just didn't get a good feeling about it. "They was good enough, and I went a few times, good singing, nice enough preacher and he had a pretty young wife. The kind that looks at an old mollusk like me as if they smelt something like bad scallops.. ya know?

I said, "Oh yes... I know the sort."

"She told me the next to the last time I was there, that I should have myself a talk with God during the week to see about what He thinks might be proper attire for a fella to come to this church wearin'."

I said, "Oh?"

He went on, "So I did."

And I said, "Well, a'coss you did."

And he said after a long pause, "Ayuh."

So then...since he was not going to go on, I had to ask. "What happened when you went back, Uncle Junior?"

"Wellsa," he said, "I went back after my talk with the Lord and straight away that preacher's wife come straight up to me after the service and looked me up and down and said, 'I thought I asked you to speak to God and ask Him what is proper attire to wear to this church?"

"Well? What did you tell her?" I said.

"Well, I smiled awful nice to the pretty lady and said, "I did ask, Ma'am, but He said He didn't know cause He said he'd never been here."

Saturday, July 25, 2009

there's feet walking the way I mean to go

Malvina Reynolds. revolutionary, singer/songwriter singing
No Hole in my Head as a guest of Pete Seeger.
She is truly a Rose and Trout kinda lady.

Malvina Reynolds: lyrics No Hole in My Head
Notes: words and music by Malvina Reynolds; copyright 1965 Schroder Music Company, renewed 1993.

Everybody thinks my head's full of nothin,
Wants to put his special stuff in,
Fill the space with candy wrappers,
Keep out sex and revolution,
But there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.

They call me a dupe of this and the other,
Call me a puppet on a string, they,
They don't know my head's full of me
And that I have my own special thing,
And there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.

I have lived since early childhood
Figuring out what's going on, I,
I know what hurts, I know what's easy,
When to stand and when to run,
And there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.

So please stop shouting in my ear, there's
Something I want to listen to, there's
A kind of birdsong up somewhere, there's
Feet walking the way I mean to go,
And there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.

Everybody thinks my head's full of nothin,
Wants to put his special stuff in,
Fill the space with candy wrappers,
Keep out sex and revolution,
But there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Christmas in July

Well, it's almost July 25. We aren't putting up a tree this year, but I thought I might send along a little bit of holiday spirit just the same. This was taken Thanksgiving Day 07 on Route 1A near Waldoboro. I can tell you, George and I nearly took our lives in our hands turning around on 1A on in that holiday traffic to take this picture. Tell us how you really feel about the holidays! It was worth the fear factor. Love, Lurlene oxoxoxo

As promised, a picture from Maine

This fella is awful big as you can see by the trees near his feet. He is downeast over by Corea or maybe Winter Harbor, I am not sure where we were. I love sardines. More photos to follow. This was found at the Corner of Route 1A and the Flamingo Hill Road for sure! Love, Lurlene

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tea and Tourists...

I was perched over to Kittie's for the afternoon reading my Harlequin and watching the rain, as it has poured 26 out of 30 days in June. I was trying to figure out where all the tourists were coming from and not the summer complaint but the real honest to goodness bed and breakfast stayin' tourists. The weather had scared off most folks. I was sitting at the table by the window sipping my tea, I like a good tea in the afternoon, coffee in the afternoon doesn't do much for me because then I stay up too late and I am cranky the next day. I don't like to be cranky especially on days I am going to have my grandkids. They make me tired enough by the end of the afternoon. Kitty makes a nice pot of tea. She will give it to you in a teapot too. You can sit and sip tea, read a book, or do the crossword. Now I heard that she was going to get that road runner for people to use their laptoppers but I don't know if she did or not. I am not sure how the bird from Bugs Bunny will help people get to their googler page but I don't understand that stuff anyway.

Lil Irvin says that I could bring my laptopper into the restaurant whenever I want , so I can work on my bloggerations but I think I like to sit at home on my porch or in front of my pellet stove. So, I have gotten off my topic, those tourists and tea, they do go together and you might not understand how but they do. I was sitting there watchin' those summer visitors come and go and walking up and down the street. Then when I least expected it, some woman dressed like she owned the whole state went skiddin' down the sidewalk. It was slick and that old cobblestone (been asking the former board of selectmen to replace that with some good concrete or tar for years) becomes just like ice when it is wet. She went ass over tea kettle, I swear she looked like one of them Olympic divers but without the grace. Her arms were flailing and her legs were straight up in the air for what seemed like minutes. She would have scored a 4.8 at the least but no more than a 6. And that's on a scale of 10 but I think they change it just to be weird on occasion. I have seen it on a scale of 7. I think.. but that might have been ice skating.. because a scale of 7 makes so much more sense than 10. I expected to see her land sprawled out on the cobblestone and thought I should get out my Lady Jitterbug phone and call the 9-1-1 but somehow with her legs in the air and arms a flailing... she managed to grab that new lamp post and keep herself from falling. It was a miraculous thing to see... and me there to witness it... She looked around to see if anyone had noticed and didn't spy anyone watching so she tugged down her shirt and dewrinkled herself... then caught me watching her out the window... she hurried herself off to one of those fancy German topless cars... with an out of state plate... slid in.. and drove off... she may not be back to town anytime soon... unless she is hopin' I ain't local... but I am here to tell you.. I am as local as they come.

Hugs to you all...


A note from Lurlene

Wellsa, that was one heck of a pod editing session, cutting out all the places we got to laughing was the worst part.. and we're all some lucky it's raining or I woulda been much less likely to get it done on a Saturday morning.

We've finally got the sad story of Mr. Fluffypants's accident with the candle posted up to the high tunes and on the website and as a bonus it includes another good bit of gossip from Rose that she heard down to Kitty's about the summer folks out on Bog Point Road.

I hope you all love listenin to the poddings as much as we love podding them out there to ya.




Thursday, July 16, 2009

Let me tell you dahlin’… dogs aren’t man’s best friend. I came home to such a mess last night. That wine glass my sister Eleanor left on my highboy last night was smashed to bits. I tripped over the nice Kitchenaid spatula I picked up at Marden’s on that last trip… and there were some empty chewed up plastic bags on the floor. That damn dog.

I wouldn’t have been as mad if he hadn’t chewed up all my find ladies undergarments that I had purchased up to Sear’s on my last trip to Bangor. I do like those Fruit of the Loom ladies briefs and he had the nerve to make a meal of them. I had asked Crimson and Clover to change the laundry over but they didn’t bother to load my Maytag again with the unmentionables from the bathroom. So, there they were, like a Christmas buffet just sitting in the laundry basket, waitin’.

My son Charlie came by for his morning coffee and I had to explain to him that that damn dog had been up to no good again. He had taken the nice Kitchenaid spatula right out of the sink, broken the wine glass his aunt Eleanor had left in the dining room, eaten my favorite Fruit of the Looms, a loaf of Wonder bread, some Halls cough drops, a bag of Humpty Dumpty potato chips, and some Orvil Reddenbacher’s popcorn (unpopped). I hooked Baxter out back and let him think about what he had done. That damn dog.

He whined for about two hours and then gave up and slept under the stairs. I went out this morning and found out that he had crapped out most of the non-food items… and apparently had gotten into one of the grandkids box of Crayolas because his shit was like a rainbow. Most friggin’ bizarre thing I had ever seen.

If I didn’t know better I would swear that my cat Mr. Belvedere, encouraged his bad behavior. I got on to my laptopper and tried to find some dog training stuff but really it ain’t gonna do any good because Baxter is just turning 13 and he is about as smart as wallpaper and not vinyl wallpaper either. He is the crappy paper wallpaper that peels off if you don’t do it just right…not smart enough to stay on the wall, mother used to say.

Mother also used to say that pets served no purpose… no purpose at’all… she said that cuz father would feed the dog under the table at dinner time… usually just the bits he didn’t like which wasn’t much. He had an aversion to cucumbers… could sense one at the bottom of any green salad and wouldn’t eat the salad if he thought it was there.

So, I guess I have to make sure that my non-food articles are put away, no glass-wear left about for him to knock over, and no food… he likes food… That Damn Dog!

I hope you all have a great evenin' and don't have a Damn Dog.

Love you all...


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Well, you just won't believe what happened at the Sons of Seamen Ladies Auxillary Bean Supper Committee meeting. Our next podderings will be downcasted by Friday, God willing. We been thinking about you all and hoping that you are fairing well in this summer of discontent. (meteorollogically speaking). We'd love to hear from you on this bloggering or on our facebook page. Our facebook fans are so cool. Rose and I love you dearly. oxoxoxo Lurlene

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Greetings and salutations to all the faithful listeners of Rose and Trout,

My name is Debra Jean Pinkham, and I am writin’ today to set the record straight and introduce myself. I am not FROM away. I just live there.

As many of you may know, I am a cousin to Lurlene B. Trout. My mother, Gladys Tibbets, was married to Lurlene’s father’s half-brother, Arnold Pinkham. They lived over on Turkey Hill in the old Bagley place on the east side of Bernard for years.

I was born at the hospital over to Kiev and am one of them late in life babies. Mama was 49 years old when I was born, and Daddy was 60. I went to grammar school and high school with Lurlene’s brothers, Lloyd and Everett. Well, by the time I graduated high school, Lurlene had already gotten married and popped out a couple of babies, and Mama and Daddy were on Social Security. I promised to stay in Bernard and look after them until they passed – God rest their souls.

So I did.Well by then, I was forty years old and had met every eligible man in the county – and let me tell you, that’s some slim pickins - and my future wasn't lookin' all that bright. I had been workin’ over at Kitty’s Tarts from time to time waitin’ on customers, and I kept books at the cannin’ factory until it shut down.

But since I did get that Associates degree over to the community college in Bangor, after Mama and Daddy died, I thought it was high time I got a real job, since gettin’ married was about as likely as a seein’ a snowstorm in July. So I did. I got a job with one of them credit card companies over to Belfast, trackin’ down deadbeats over the phone. Turns out that I am damn good at trackin’ down deadbeats and convincin’ them to pay up because the next thing you know, the company was askin’ me to move outta state and help them set up a new skip tracin’ department down South.

So I did. That is how I came to be livin’ away. I been down here in Maryland goin’ on ten years now, and let me tell you it is some different than livin’ in Bernard. There’s more cars than there are people, and no one knows how to drive. Boys walk around town with their undershorts showin’, and some folks have so many tattoos they look like the Sunday comics. And, Jesus H. Christ on a busted crutch, who ever heard tell of putting tomatoes and corn in a clam chowder?

These people are some different. But I am gettin’ used to it. So used to it that my own people say I am from away. Just breaks my heart.

Like I told Lurlene, you can take the gal outta Maine, but you can’t take Maine outta the gal. Anyway, Rose and Lurlene asked me if I would be their foreign correspondent and send news from away up to Bernard for them to post on their website. I said I would, as long as Lurlene promises to bake me a pot of beans next time I come home and ceases and desists from tellin’ folks that I am from away.

Each week, unless I am workin’ a lot of overtime – and you know with the economy tankin’ the way it is the deadbeat count is risin’as regular as the tide so I am expectin’ to be workin’ my ass off – I will be sendin’ reports about what it’s like to be a Mainer livin’ away. I guess that’s it for now.

Until next time I remain, your devoted foreign correspondent,

Debra Jean Pinkham

Sons of Seamen Ladies Auxillary Meeting Ends in Tragedy

Dear Folks,

Last night at the Sons of Seamen Ladies' Auxillary Bean Supper committee meeting, which was held at my house, had an unexpected crisis and I was some upset. My cat, Mr Fluffy, bless his heart, caught his tail on fire on one of those Yankee Candles on the kitchen table and from there all hell broke loose. It was something awful. You can hear all about it on the next podcast this week.

I'd also like to introduce Debra Jean. My father's half brother married her mother, so she is my cousin, and she has been living Away for some time now but made it quite clear that she is not FROM Away, she is from HERE. She's going to be our foreign correspondent and good luck to her with all that reportage and bloggering about Away. I hear they are some goings on.

Love, Lurlene 0x0x0x0x

Friday, July 10, 2009

This is our first time Bloggering. I am some excited to be a real bloggah and am tickled pink to send this first premier bloggage out to you all from my laptopper here in the kitchen, right here over to home in Bernard, Maine. We'll be inviting some guest bloggerers and even some foreign correspondents from Away to join us. God bless them, it is some hard to be Away when you wish you was home.

Wellsah, aint it lovely, the sun has finally decided to come out here in Maine and we are ALL some happy to see daylight again, even tho we are all squintin something wicked!

I hope you all get out to enjoy this lovely summer day. One day like this is equal to four or five days of January. I heard tell it is going to rain again tomorrow, so make hay while the sun shines!
Love to all, Lurlene B. Trout oxoxoxo