I was perched over to Kittie's for the afternoon reading my Harlequin and watching the rain, as it has poured 26 out of 30 days in June. I was trying to figure out where all the tourists were coming from and not the summer complaint but the real honest to goodness bed and breakfast stayin' tourists. The weather had scared off most folks. I was sitting at the table by the window sipping my tea, I like a good tea in the afternoon, coffee in the afternoon doesn't do much for me because then I stay up too late and I am cranky the next day. I don't like to be cranky especially on days I am going to have my grandkids. They make me tired enough by the end of the afternoon. Kitty makes a nice pot of tea. She will give it to you in a teapot too. You can sit and sip tea, read a book, or do the crossword. Now I heard that she was going to get that road runner for people to use their laptoppers but I don't know if she did or not. I am not sure how the bird from Bugs Bunny will help people get to their googler page but I don't understand that stuff anyway.
Lil Irvin says that I could bring my laptopper into the restaurant whenever I want , so I can work on my bloggerations but I think I like to sit at home on my porch or in front of my pellet stove. So, I have gotten off my topic, those tourists and tea, they do go together and you might not understand how but they do. I was sitting there watchin' those summer visitors come and go and walking up and down the street. Then when I least expected it, some woman dressed like she owned the whole state went skiddin' down the sidewalk. It was slick and that old cobblestone (been asking the former board of selectmen to replace that with some good concrete or tar for years) becomes just like ice when it is wet. She went ass over tea kettle, I swear she looked like one of them Olympic divers but without the grace. Her arms were flailing and her legs were straight up in the air for what seemed like minutes. She would have scored a 4.8 at the least but no more than a 6. And that's on a scale of 10 but I think they change it just to be weird on occasion. I have seen it on a scale of 7. I think.. but that might have been ice skating.. because a scale of 7 makes so much more sense than 10. I expected to see her land sprawled out on the cobblestone and thought I should get out my Lady Jitterbug phone and call the 9-1-1 but somehow with her legs in the air and arms a flailing... she managed to grab that new lamp post and keep herself from falling. It was a miraculous thing to see... and me there to witness it... She looked around to see if anyone had noticed and didn't spy anyone watching so she tugged down her shirt and dewrinkled herself... then caught me watching her out the window... she hurried herself off to one of those fancy German topless cars... with an out of state plate... slid in.. and drove off... she may not be back to town anytime soon... unless she is hopin' I ain't local... but I am here to tell you.. I am as local as they come.
Hugs to you all...
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