Saturday, July 25, 2009

there's feet walking the way I mean to go

Malvina Reynolds. revolutionary, singer/songwriter singing
No Hole in my Head as a guest of Pete Seeger.
She is truly a Rose and Trout kinda lady.

Malvina Reynolds: lyrics No Hole in My Head
Notes: words and music by Malvina Reynolds; copyright 1965 Schroder Music Company, renewed 1993.

Everybody thinks my head's full of nothin,
Wants to put his special stuff in,
Fill the space with candy wrappers,
Keep out sex and revolution,
But there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.

They call me a dupe of this and the other,
Call me a puppet on a string, they,
They don't know my head's full of me
And that I have my own special thing,
And there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.

I have lived since early childhood
Figuring out what's going on, I,
I know what hurts, I know what's easy,
When to stand and when to run,
And there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.

So please stop shouting in my ear, there's
Something I want to listen to, there's
A kind of birdsong up somewhere, there's
Feet walking the way I mean to go,
And there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.

Everybody thinks my head's full of nothin,
Wants to put his special stuff in,
Fill the space with candy wrappers,
Keep out sex and revolution,
But there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, my head's full of me, too! Isn't she something? I totally love the song and had not heard this one before. Look up her music at
    She had some very big hits. love, Lurlene
